School of Art, Media, and Technology

Faculty Mentorship Conference

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imagesMarch 6, from 9:30 to 5:30, Wollman Hall, 65 W. 11th Street, 5th Floor

Lunch and coffee will be provided.

With the funding support provided by the Provost Office, the Parsons’ Advancement, Promotion, and Tenure Committee (APT) and Parsons’ Faculty Council (PFC) will host a one day mutual mentoring conference on Friday, March 6. Specifically, this conference invites full-time faculty from across the New School, with an employment category of tenure-track, extended, renewable-term, or term to join us for a day of information sharing, mentorship, and community building.

This conference is a part of an on-going effort to provide information and promote the discussion regarding promotional review at the Division and University level. Building on the last year’s “What is Peer Review,” this year’s event aims to provide advice and insight as to what it means to evidence and validate various forms of research, scholarship, and creative practice as they relate to all employment categories.

This year’s conference, comprised of 9 panels featuring faculty from across The New School and New York City, is designed to promote discussions around how to situate and build the validity of RSCP activities when engaging in emerging and highly interdisciplinary fields, as well as the fields with relatively defined disciplinary boundaries. The discussions also include distinct or overlapping issues among traditional, non-tradition, and other varying forms of RSCP activities in terms of contextualizing the value of one’s work.

So please join us!

Parsons’ Advancement, Promotion, and Tenure Committee (APT)

Parsons’ Faculty Council (PFC)

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