The Sony World Photography Awards wants to see your photos for the 2015 Student Focus Competition
Enter a photo which symbolizes contemporary consumer culture:
As time goes by and we acquire things over the course of our lives, trends can be spotted in the objects we buy. Whether it’s colour schemes, fonts, patterns or shapes, there have been many changes in style since the dawn of modern day consumer culture in the 1950s.
Take a photo of an object or scene that symbolizes modern culture to you. It could be a fashion statement, a type of washing powder, a chair or a hairstyle, but must be something you feel is a reflection of today’s society. It can be sensationalist or low key, split second or staged. Try to photograph something you feel strongly about, whether it’s a piece of technology or a doorway.
Captions may be no more than 15 words.
Competition dates:
Entry start: 23th May 2014
Entry close: 6th Dec 2014
Please share the competition brief with your students to promote the competition.
All students should submit their one image directly to you via email.
Tutors should select ONE image from all student entries submitted and email this to ania@worldphoto.org by the 6th December 2014.
Image size:
The image should be a JPEG. Minimum size: 800 KB and maximum 4MB
For Rules: Click here