Electronic Waste Recycling Days
May 20-24, 2013
Recycle your ewaste in bins located in the lobbies of:
- 55 W 13th Street
- 6 E 16th Street
- Plus all Res Halls (ask RHDs for locations)
Please delete all sensitive data before disposing of any items
All items are sent to be recycled by a NYC vendor that:
•Does not landfill any hazardous materials components
•Reuses more than 98% of non-hazardous materials collected
•Exports no hazardous waste to less developed countries
•Has a 99.9% mercury recovery rate
Ewaste includes all desktop computers, laptops, printers, fax machines, mice, keyboards and computer cables. Handheld devices such as MP3 players and cell phones can be recycled year round by placing them in the blue tubes found in most lobbies. Email sustainability@newschool.edu with questions.