Cartoon Slide Shows and Picture Performances
Hosted by R. Sikoryak
Maëlle Doliveux (Hollywood Freeway Chickens)
Felipe Galindo (No Man Is a Desert Island)
James Godwin (The Flatiron Hex)
Glenn Head (Chicago)
Carolita Johnson (The New Yorker)
John Mejias (PAPING)
Andrea Tsurumi (Cake Vs. Pie)
M. Sweeney Lawless (@Specky4Eyes)
With graphic narratives, gag cartoons, shadow puppets, and much more.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Dixon Place, 161A Chrystie Street (btwn Rivington & Delancey), NYC
$12 (advance), $15 (at the door), $10 (students/seniors) or TDF
Advance tickets & info: www.dixonplace.org (212) 219-0736
(The Dixon Place Lounge is open before, during, and after the show. All proceeds directly support DP’s mission and artists.)