School of Art, Media, and Technology

Digital Media and Learning Competition

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Please take note of the recently announced Digital Media and Learning Competition:

From the competition site:
“The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, HASTAC and Mozilla announce a $2 million Digital Media and Learning Competition for leading organizations, learning and assessment specialists, designers and technologists to create and test badges and badge systems.

The Competition will explore ways digital badges can be used to help people learn; demonstrate their skills and knowledge; unlock job, educational and civic opportunities; and open new pipelines to talent. The Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition, launched in collaboration with the Mozilla Foundation, will focus on badges as a means to inspire learning, confirm accomplishment, or validate the acquisition of knowledge or skills.”

This is a multi-stage competition with distinct project and research tracks, each of which have their own deadlines. For the project competition, called the badges competition, the deadlines are November 14 for Stage 1 and January 12 for Stage 2. The research competition, which includes four award categories, has a single deadline of November 28.

We anticipate potential interest on the part of multiple teams/individuals in the Parsons community. Because competition entries are required to have an institutional affiliation, and because no more than one entry from each institution can advance through each stage of competition, the Parsons Dean’s Office has set up a Google Docs form – – to facilitate cross-team connections and communications.

If you plan to participate in the competition, please do note your entry through the form. Please also be sure to read the competition rules carefully before entering.



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