For Conversations on Change, scholars and practitioners from the fields of art, science and religion discuss commonalities and differences amongst their views of political change. The discussion series is part of Melanie Crean’s The Shape of Change, a series of projects that examine our nation’s evolving concept of change, seeking to countermand the empty political brand the term was reduced to in recent elections. Ms. Crean is a full time faculty member in Parson’s School of Art Media and Technology. The three participants include:
A A Bronson is an artist and healer. Co-founder of the influential collaborative General Idea, Bronson is currently the President of Printed Matter, Inc. in NewYork City, and Artistic Director of the Institute for Art, Religion, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary.
Sean Gourley is a physicist, political advisor, and TED fellow. A PhD whose research on the mathematical patterns that underlie modern war have been scrutinized by the Pentagon and the United Nations.
Sensei Jules Shuzen Harris is a Zen Soto priest. The Sensei has been a practicing Buddhist priest for over 25 years, and he is also a psychotherapist and 4th-degree Dan Black Belt in Laido (the art of drawing and cutting with a samurai sword) and Kendo (Japanese fencing).
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Presented as part of the Vera List Center’s 2009/2010 program theme “Speculating on Change.”
Friday, April 23, 2010 – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Parsons The New School for Design
25 East 13th, second floor
New York City
Free and open to the public