School of Art, Media, and Technology

CDT Lecture Series: Zurkow/Mcdonald

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zurkow_mcdonald_0.previewFor the third and last lecture of the semester, we are going to pack the lovely Theresa Lang Hall ( 2nd floor of 55 W. 13th) to engage with two great minds as they spar about the pop-culture side of the Communication Design and Technology conversation. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 3rd at 7PM and find out more about Marina Zurkow at and Jillian McDonald at

Marina makes animated interactive installations, and printed pop objects, Jillian makes horror movies and falls in love with celebrities. Or so it seems. Are these artists pulling our legs or pushing our buttons? McDonald and Zurkow interrogate each other’s practice, mining similarities and differences in the way they interface with pop culture and technology.

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