Cause and Affect: 300+ in Kenya play PETlab game designed by MFA DT student!
The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre shared some recent news from a program they ran in Kenyan slums to help prepare residents to reduce risks associated with climate-related natural disasters. Over 300 participants played a game called “Ready”, designed by Ramiro Corbetta (MFADT 13) in a class last Spring for a PETLab/Red Cross initiative.
This spring John Sharp and Colleen Macklin will teach the class again with the Red Cross, focusing on deploying the games in Uganda this summer.
Climate change is likely to increase average rainfall and extreme rainfall events in Nairobi over the next century. Average and extreme temperatures are also projected to increase, and residents of Nairobi’s informal settlements will be some of the most vulnerable urban dwellers to the effects of climate change. Based on an assessment carried out in the 7 URR project sites with focus groups of community members, residents of informal settlements expect that rainfall could cause an increase in the risk of fires, theft, and water-borne and air-borne diseases. Water quality is at risk, and fluctuations in food prices could also affect food security in these areas.
These “Games for Change” by PETlab and The Red Cross help to spread awareness and encourage strategic thinking by community-members and leaders to adapt to these changing risks. For more information, visit the PETlab + Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Center website.