Meet with prospective employers from a variety of fields presenting a vast array of opportunities for students and alumni.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Starr Foundation Hall, University Center UL 102
63 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003
All students/alumni are welcome to both events. To register and view employers attending, visit tnscareerexpo.com
Parsons Portfolio Fair (10am-1pm): Meet employers interested in a wide-range of design students for internships, full- and part-time jobs, freelance positions and project-based work.
The New School Internship & Job Fair (2pm-5pm): Meet a wide range of employers including start-ups, nonprofit organizations, and cultural institutions to learn about their mission, company culture and any scholarships, fellowships, internships, volunteer opportunities, and paid positions they may offer.
New School ID cards and resume required for admittance
Career Advisors are available for 15 minute resume reviews during walk-in hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in UC 419, no appointment necessary.