School of Art, Media, and Technology

Call for participants: Independent Study and Collaboration – Deadline to Apply March 29th!

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Queer Urban Geographies
Independent Study & Collaboration
April 6th conference in NYC | May 26th-June 1st workshop in Paris, France
Deadline to apply: Friday, March 29th @ 12pm

6-8 students will be chosen to participate in a very special collaborative, field-work & design workshop to interrogate a hyper-local, multi-sensorial experience of Queer spaces in New York & Paris. Queer Urban Geographies is a hands-on, psychogeographic exploration into the embodied experience and cultural production of Queer artifacts and spaces, including the ideas of memory, mapping, & history, and speculative futures.

The project will seed ideas within a public, one-day conference and 2-3 independent study meetings in New York, NY. This will be followed by the week long on-site visit and collaborative group project in Paris, France. The one-day conference will engage with Queer scholars, artists, activists and designers to explore and inspire new possibilities for representing Queer experience. This is open to the public and all students.

The Independent study will help frame and contextualize possible project ideas and outcomes, anticipating the NYC and Paris work. Students will work in NYC and Paris on their ‘design probes’ for field work, using the Urban Research Toolkit platform, an open-source collaborative mapping platform. Students will develop a creative proposal based on their research and design probes to exhibit in the new Parsons Paris Gallery.

Faculty: Jane Pirone & Jessica Irish as an Independent Study PSAM 5900 IS: Queer Geographies (1-3 academic credits)

Project stipend: $250 stipend upon completion of the proposal.
Students must participate in the conference and meetings to be eligible to participate.
Students must arrange and fund their own travel and accommodation to Paris.

Students must be available Friday from 5-9pm on April 5th and from 9:30-6:30pm on Saturday April 6th for the conference. Please expect to meet with us as a team 1-2 times in late April and early May in preparation for the field work experience. The workshop will be in Paris, France from May 26th – June 1st, 2013, and its expected that students will participate during the entirety of the workshop. This is a multi-disciplinary workshop, so all backgrounds and disciplines within The New School are welcome.

TO APPLY: Friday, March 29th @ 12pm
Send an email application to with the subject line “Queer Urban Geographies”

1) Your name, year level, division/school/program
2) A short statement of your interest in the project and how your background and skillsets could contribute to the collaborative team.
3) Your resume
4) A url to a web portfolio with examples of your work or online presence.

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