Brigitte Lustenberger, MFA Photography 2006, has recently opened her exhibition Butterfly and Lemon Gallery Béatrice Brunner and Hotel Schweizerhof, Bern. For the gallery weekend the works are on display not only at the gallery but also at the Hotel Schweizerhof on the third floor (January 13 and 14, 2018). Until February 10, 2018 the works can be seen at the gallery. In addition to opening Butterfly and Lemon, Lustenberger has three other exhibitions that are currently running. 
An in water submerged portrait surprises the viewer with an enraptured yet most unsettling and intense gaze – until it dissolves. Little holes in a table reveal the grace of a crumbled fly and the tenderness of an insect’s wing – until the light is switched off. Lustenberger shows her explorations of light-images at the Kunsthaus Interlaken and at the Musée jurassien des arts Moutier.
More information:
Kunsthaus Interlaken, until January 28, 2018
Kunsthaus Moutier, until January 28, 2018

Dead insects are transfigured in disturbingly beautiful projections.
In a special exhibition at Christophe Guye Gallery artist Brigitte Lustenberger shows further elaborations on her analog multimedia installation This sense of wonder. We are rather put off by dead spiders and flies, often found in corners or on windowsills. Lustenberger transfigures the found insects in ephemeral, disturbingly beautiful projections and photographs.
From December 1, 2017 until January 20, 2018 the artist shows her recent works in the showroom of the Christophe Guye Gallery.