BOMB MAGAZINE, layouts from various issues, 2009–2017

BOMB MAGAZINE, layouts from various issues, 2009–2017
CD faculty Tom Griffiths is a partner at Everything Studio, a multidisciplinary firm working in all areas of print and interactive design. Recent clients include ICA Philadelphia, Andrew Bird, BOMB magazine, Cabinet magazine, The Power Station and Verso Books. In 2014, Tom’s practice was featured in the AIGA/NY ‘Owner at Self’ series. His design for Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine was selected by the AIGA as one of the fifty best covers and books of 2012. In 2006 he received his MFA in graphic design from Yale.

ANGEL NEVAREZ AND VALERIE TEVERE, catalogue for their exhibition at ICA Philadelphia, 2016

SENSE OBJECTS, vinyl record and online music player accompanying the Leah Beeferman / Stephen Vitiello performance and installation at the Fridman Gallery, 2014

4COLUMNS, art criticism site, 2016