The BFA Communication Design & Technology Thesis 2008 website has launched (BETA). It features all BFA Design & Technology works in complete archival form. All animation and video work is beautifully archived in HD H.264 videos, a perfect place to catch up on all the great motion work produced this year.
In addition, the BFA CDT Thesis Site works great on iPhone and iPod touch Safari, and includes all the videos optimized for mobile viewing.
The BFA Communication Design thesis projects will be archived in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for lots more great work, archived for the benefit of posterity.
If you haven’t been to the Chelsea Art Museum yet, check out the site and visit the show before it closes on Saturday, May 24.
Comments or suggestions for the site should be directed to Dave Carroll (last name + first initial AT newschool dot edu)
Since it is in BETA, we are still testing for browser compatibility, completing content and much more. Consider this an insider sneak-peak at a work-in-progress.
Visit CDT Thesis 2008