School of Art, Media, and Technology

BFA CD Students’ Project, MissingNYC, Gets Blog Love!

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Rachel Darmody and Carina Adijanto, both BFA Communication Design students, first met in their Creative Computing class in the fall of last year. The following spring, they found themselves together again, in Image in Commerce. It was in this class that their unusual product, MissingNYC, was born. Now, MissingNYC, which you can buy on Etsy, is starting to get some blog buzz. Technabob and Pop Up City have both covered it, with pickup from a few other blogs.

Find out more about MissingNYC from one of the creators, Rachel Darmody, below!

From their Etsy site: "Crafted by careful hands in the heart of the city, each bottle focuses on an unique landmark, neighborhood or park. Purchasing a MissingNYC piece, assures you'll always have New York."

From their Etsy site: “Crafted by careful hands in the heart of the city, each bottle focuses on an unique landmark, neighborhood or park.”

AMT: How did you and Carina conceive of MissingNYC?

Rachel Darmody: We were partners for the final project which was to make a campaign (adverts, website, blog, social media, video…etc) around a product real or not. Carina and I decided to create a new product called, MissingNYC. We wanted it to be alternative, design focused, conceptual and an unique gift. We had so much fun creating it and shooting it. When we presented the final project to our class, we got a great reception. Many students said they would actually purchase it, and that we should make it something legitimate. This got me really excited, so this summer I would collect things from the streets of New York and organize them. I also reached out to blogger, as well as former teachers and guest lectures that I had at Parsons.

AMT: How does this project relate to the rest of your work in Communication Design?

RD: This project relies on good typography. Each bottle has a paper included with it that describes the contents. I was very careful in my choice of font, the general aesthetic, and using quality paper (hello Paper Presentation!). It also relates to my fascination with the division of New York City neighborhoods, a topic that I continue to research.
Image from:

Image from:

AMT: Have you taken other classes across Parsons / The New School that have contributed to your development?

RD: I believe this project is an accumulation of many different classes I have taken. Typography, Interactions, International Advertising and Branding (In this class we had a guest lecturer from Blue Q, I called her up this summer and she was very excited about my product, this was great validation). From each class I’ve learned something that can be applied to this product. I’m currently taking Brand Concepts which I hope to further my knowledge of branding and eventually apply to my product.

AMT: Do you consider yourself an artist or a designer? Is there a distinction, in your opinion?

RD: I consider myself a designer. In my mind an artist creates fine art, a designer is a problem solvers. They come up with a solution in the most beautiful way possible.

AMT: How did you come to choose CD, and, before that, Parsons?

RD: I always knew I wanted to do graphic designer and I thought that communications design would allow me to expand my interests and would give me a broader spectrum of education. Parsons had a fantastic design program and was associated with the New School, allowing me to take classes there as well. Before Parsons, I studied art and architecture in Prague, Czech Republic.

AMT: What’s next for MissingNYC? 

RD: I have high hopes for MissingNYC. We are currently working on figuring out packaging and branding. Our next exciting goal is to pitch our product to the Moma Design Store. The most rewarding part of it has been the responses we’ve gotten from our customers. That alone makes the project worth it to me!

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