School of Art, Media, and Technology

Arts for Art Presents 20th Anniversary of VISION Poster Competition

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Calling all Artists to Design a Poster for VISION 20

Twentieth Anniversary of the VISION Festival: Poster Competition

10 best Posters will be printed and displayed at the 6 Day Festival: July 7th-12th, 2015

Submission deadline: May 15th 2015

Winner’s Art Exhibited at the World Renowned VISION Festival

Announcing The Vision Festival’s First Poster Competition. We are accepting submissions through May 15th to be exhibited at this year’s Vision Festival. The Top 10 submissions will be exhibited at the festival, which will be held at Judson Memorial Church, NYC. We will print a limited number of posters of each of the winners and exhibit them at the festival. This will be a great opportunity for young artists to gain exposure at an internationally renowned event.

This year marks the Twentieth Anniversary of the Vision Festival. To celebrate this milestone Arts for Art (AFA) plans 6 days that sets the standard for creative FreeJazz music, dance, visual art and ideas, which embrace values that challenge and inform. Historically, AFA has dedicated one festival night to give recognition to a single, deserving artist for their lifetime of achievement. This year AFA celebrates all VISION artists, in particular those iconic NY artists whose creative voices have helped build our reputation as the world’s premier FreeJazz Festival. Vision Festival also acknowledges our longstanding relationship with Chicago’s legendary AACM artists, as they celebrate their 50th Anniversary!

Musical Highlights: Milford Graves, Roscoe Mitchell, William Parker, David Murray, Marshall Allen Sun Ra Arkestra, Matthew Shipp, Henry Grimes, Amina Claudine Myers, Joe McPhee, Jason Kao Hwang, Mazz Swift, Dave Burrell, Joelle Leandre, Hamiet Bluiett, Gerry Hemingway, Marilyn Crispell, Karl Berger, Kidd Jordan, Douglas Ewart, Wadada Leo Smith, Ingrid Laubrock, Darius Jones, Rob Brown, Hamid Drake, Gerald Cleaver, Karl Berger, Tony Malaby and many more…

For more information about how to apply,

please contact Todd Nicholson at,

or at 212-254-5420.

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