APA’s Photo Assistant Basic Training is returning to NYC, Dec 7+8
Both days at 9am-5pm
Get a major head start on a career in the photo industry, and have the chance to win fantastic raffle prizes, like the Sony NEX-6 camera!
With panel discussions, equipment demonstrations from industry experts, and hands-on training, attendees will come away with the essential knowledge and confidence to build your own Pro Assistant reputation. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of professional assisting behavioral guidelines, including contemporary set-etiquette, and discover how this valuable training will get you more call-backs – more repeat clients, more work.
Master Assisting Professionalism. Get booked solid.
Day One
Kicks off with the popular “Assistant Panel” which includes experts on working as a photo assistant. Get real world answers to all questions from the attendees. Following the panel discussion will be exciting live software and equipment demonstrations with industry reps from Sony, Broncolor, PhotoShelter and Adobe. Learn from the pros. Industry reps will be on hand to answer all your questions.
Day Two
Full on, hands-on workshops with much of the gear an assistant will most likely encounter on the majority of professional photo shoots. Many aspects of assisting will be explained in great detail, i.e. strobes, hot lights, flags, scrims, set etiquette, the assistant kit, tips on getting work, billing, and how to deal with the dreaded cancellation. Following classroom discussion and demonstrations, participants will work along side the Pro Photographers to discover crucial pro assisting skills.
Both days include a light breakfast as well as lunch!
The event will be help at Splashlight Studio in Manhattan, one Hudson Square, 75 Varick st, 3rd floor, NYC
Sign up now!