School of Art, Media, and Technology

Apply for the 2014 UX Awards

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Submission for the 2014 UX Awards opens April 25th and closes June 15th 2014.


An Awards submission entry should highlight the user experience of a particular project that you,
your team or company helped create.

Submission has two components: A brief online form, and a pitch video or document (video preferred). The awards are limited to the user experience of digital projects, such as a website, software, mobile or tablet app, ecommerce, kiosk, interactive TV, social media, interactive display, or digital campaign (the full list of categories is below). These awards do not cover product or industrial design, print documents, signage, advertising, or other non-digital media.Anyone can submit–companies large and small, agencies, groups, individuals, and students. Note that for submissions showcasing company, organization or client projects, you must have obtained advance permission to submit.Submissions must be received by the submission deadline (June 15th 2014) to be considered.


The submission process is done entirely online. Each submission entry will consists of two parts: Filling out a brief online form, and a narrative video or pitch document that describes a digital project and highlights its user experience (video is preferred at time of submission, and will ultimately be required to win).

The Online Form

Fill out the form in its entirety. Please note that:The pitch document must be ready to submit and already posted to the web at time of form submission;

The form must be completed and submitted in one session, and edits on submitted forms are not possible; a submission can submitted to multiple categories, but multiple submissions per project are not permitted. Categories for submission are: Mobile, Large Format Display/ Installation, Wearable, Kiosk, Ecommerce, Interactive TV/ Video/ Film, Tablet, Consumer/ Website, Enterprise/Business, Multi‐Channel, Software, Strategy/Concept, Student, Intranet, Games, Social, Other. Winning categories will be dependent on the types of submissions received. Applications can be submitted to multiple categories. We recommend downloading and reviewing the form questions in advance.

The Pitch Video or Document

Please create a pitch video or document showcasing the project’s user experience and post the document online prior to filling out the form. The form will ask for a publicly accessible web URL for the judges and the audience to access it.This pitch must address the points in the Content Guidelines section below. One pitch per awards submission; This document will be shared publicly at the event if your submission wins an Award.

Acceptable file Formats: Video, PowerPoint, PDF, or Keynote. Video is strongly encouraged for submission, but not required. A video will be required from all Awards winners prior to the Awards event;

PDF and PowerPoint documents cannot be larger than 15MB; and not be longer than 15 pages or slides. Videos must be no longer than 3 minutes.


Please ensure the Document Cover has the following:
Project submission title, individual/company/organization and client name(s), as relevant; Contact person’s name; Live project web URL (IF your project is currently live on the web. We understand that not all projects submitted for evaluation will be web-based, or currently live); and Pitch document web URL–where this pitch lives.

The Pitch

The pitch is the place to make the project come to life and show us why the UX deserves an Award. Please ensure the Document Cover has the following: Please include screenshots of the project in the narrative.
(UX process documents, such as wireframes, can also be included IF desired, but this is not required);Project description; Project purpose; Business or organizational goals and challenges, and how these were addressed (if relevant to the project); User goals and challenges, and how these were addressed; User experience process, methodology and approaches, including usability methods and any user input that was incorporated; Target audience(s); Any project metrics that show the extent of user adoption or project success, if applicable (note sources and dates); Notable, unusual or innovative user experience components; and Why this project delivers an exceptional user experience and merits a UX Award


The winning projects will represent the top selections by collective rank and consensus based on our diverse panel of jurors. Each juror will apply his/her own evaluation criteria to the judging. Each juror’s evaluation criteria will be shared with the audience at the event.

Some criteria that will be taken into consideration:The project must have demonstrably solved a user challenge or problem through an elegant, usable solution, and this user-centric problem-solution format must be clearly articulated in the pitch document and form responses;Innovation, creativity, strategic solutions, trend-setting and forward thinking are highly valued; Best UX practices and processes are also a consideration; and The pitch and form responses must be error-free, easy to follow, and must adhere to the rules and guidelines for submission.

Finalists will be notified the week prior to the event.

Any further questions? Email Thanks!

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