School of Art, Media, and Technology

2-Day Workshop w/ Cross-School Faculty, Google Creative Lab, Gobi

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This is not a class. You will not be graded (or receive credit).

Rather, this is a chance to bring ideas you are currently grappling with into a new context, work with a new and diverse team of designers and professionals and see your current ideas and project from entirely new perspectives. It will ask only for one weekend of your time, but the possibilities for invention are limitless.

This event is intended to team up students with diverse skills and discipline knowledge. Participants will be encouraged to work collaboratively. While teams may be built according to project needs, participants should be ready to work with others from different areas of research. However, if a particularly challenging project comes up, an individual project is also possible.

Selected projects may receive funding and technical support for development after the workshop.

Go HERE for application.

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