Inhibited Bites
Wexner Center, Idea Foundry
February 21, 2018
8 PM
421 W State Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Inhibited Bites is a solo performance about the strangeness of being alive in a body, and especially our need to eat. A visual artist as well as a performer,
Neil Goldberg uses his photo series The Gay Couples of Whole Foods (2013–15) and the Audubon-style drawings Wild Animals Eat My Family and Me (2015), among other works, as backdrops for personal narratives, cultural reflections, and scientific speculations that examine our complicated relationships to being flesh and blood. The performance also incorporates a collection of 700-plus index cards containing story fragments, unrealized art ideas, and observations about embodiment jotted down by the artist over many years. Whether discussing the connections between internalized homophobia and aggressive hygiene or our shifting identification with predator and prey animals, Goldberg reveals the absurdity, mystery, and horror underlying everyday, bodily experience.