Mordancage 2, 72×72”, C-print, face mounted plexi, 2013 © Brittany Nelson
Brittany Nelson uses photographic chemistry to critique material based photo practices and collapse photographic traditions. She earned her BA at Montana State University and MFA at Cranbrook Academy of Art. Nelson was awarded the Fish/Pearce Award for Excellence in Process Based Work from the Print Center (Philadelphia, PA), a Theo Westenberger Foundation Grant, and in 2015 a Creative Capital Grant for her work on this innovative project. She has been commissioned by the Cranbrook Science Museum and is in the permanent collections of the Cranbrook Art Museum and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Lecture: Thursday, 6/16: 4PM-5:30PM, Kellen Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue
This Lecture is Free and open to the public.