MFA Photo Alumna Wenting Zhang and her passion project underline.js were featured in this months NY Tech Meetup.
The project: underline.js is a javascript library that sets out to do one thing: render the perfect text underline. As web typography evolves quickly in recent years, problems like underline start to surface. The current underline is not pixel perfect, way too thick, sits at an awkward Y position and destructs the type’s shape by going cross the descenders. UnderlineJS provides a pixel perfect solution to it. However, underline.js is not designed to be a practical javascript library. It is more exploratory and trying to push the boundary of web typography. The ultimate goal of underline.js is to propose its solution to web standard maker W3C and major browsers and promote the concept of “pixel perfect coding”.

NY Tech Meetup is the largest Meetup group in the world and a non-profit organization supporting the New York technology community. It hosts monthly events featuring product demos from startups and a special segment called “Hack of the month” which features cool technology or hacky projects per month. Underline.js is featured as “Hack of the month” for February 2015.