Youth Bike Summit 2/14-2/16: FREE for TNS Students, Faculty & Staff!
If you’re a bike enthusiast, supporter, artist, activist, zinester, maker, or all of the above, the 2014 Youth Bike Summit at The New School is the place to bring your sweethearts and buddies this Valentine’s/Presidents’ Day weekend!
The Summit features workshops, crafts, a Capoeira-led musical procession, a bike fashion show, and plenty of forums and discussions on bike culture, policies and politics. And if all that isn’t enticing enough for you, our Keynote Speaker is cycling Olympian Nelson Vails!
Oh yeah…and you can GET CREDIT for participating in the Youth Bike Summit by signing up for this 1-3 credit studio!
Not a New Schooler? Check out our pricing structure here and see our exciting program below!

Harlem-born Nelson Vails, first African American to win an Olympic medal in cycling, will be Keynote Speaker at the Youth Bike Summit!
Our campaign to get Michelle Obama here as a virtual–or actual!–Keynote Speaker is still making headway, and you can still send a postcard or Tweet: “@michellobama please come speak @youthbikesummit @thenewschool #YBS14.”
This beautiful box, created at Parsons by staffer Andrew Zoleta and Milano student Daphna Lewinshtein, is now on its way to the White House, full of postcards and letters imploring the First Lady to take part in the Summit! 2000+ postcards have already been sent to the White House! Read all about it in Momentum Mag!
Event Dates: February 14th-16th, 2014
Event Location: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center (Room I202), Arnhold Hall, The New School
55 West 13th St., New York, NY
website link:
Check out all of our cool events lined up so far! For the most up-to-date schedule, go here.
- 3:00-6:00pm – Makers Space
- Hands on activities and crafts including sign painting and musical instrument making for the Youth Bike Summit Procession (Parsons & Recycle-A-Bicycle)
- 6:00-8:30pm Welcome Event & Registration
- 8:30-10:00am – Keynote Presentation & Breakfast
- 10:15am – Youth Bike Summit Procession – Led by Batala NYC
- 11:00am – 3:00pm – Youth Bike Makers Space
- Bike Fashion (Parsons & West Town Bikes)
- Bike Jewelry (Recycle-A-Bicycle)
- Youth + Bike Zines (Bike Works)
- Auto-bike-ography (Transportation Alternatives)
- Raspberry Pi Bike Cam (Parsons)
- Soft Circuits / LED Light Workshop (Parsons)
- 12:00pm – 3:00pm – Political Action Center
- Take Action and Make Your Own Campaign (Transportation Alternatives)
- 11:00am – 12:15pm – Workshop Session I
- First Aid & Fitness for Cyclists (Woodhull Hospital)
- Youth, Equity and Bicycle Advocacy (Biking Public Project & League of American Bicyclists)
- Girl Scouts on Wheels (Bike Coalition of Greater Philadelphia)
- Messengers and Urban Cycling as an Action Sport (Affinity Cycles, Shut NYC, Local Youth and Adult Messengers and Advocates)
- Who Are Cyclists? Engaging Pre-Teens and Girls (We Bike NYC, Cascade Bicycle Club)
- Bike New York’s Education Track: Workshop I
- 12:15pm – 1:45pm – Lunch / Tabling / Discussion Space
- El Puente
- City of Albuquerque’s Esperanza Community bike shop
- WE Bike NYC
- Parsons
- 2:00pm – 3:15pm – Workshop Session II
- Cycling, Air Quality, and Asthma (Woodhull Hospital & MIT)
- Non-traditional Partners (NYC Department of Health, NYC Department of Transportation, Groundswell, Coalition High School)
- Making a Career out of Passion (Alta Planning)
- Developmental Racing (Youth and Adult BMX riders and USA Cycling)
- FastCash: Raise the Money You Need for Your Awesome Idea in Six Weeks (ioby)
- Bike New York’s Education Track: Workshop II
- 3:30pm – 4:30pm – Workshop Session III
- Engaging Homeless Youth and Impacting Community (Full Cycle)
- Engaging Cyclists w/ Disabilities (InTandem)
- Building a Base! (Bikes Not Bombs)
- The Circuit: Youth Learning by Bike (Rails to Trails)
- Youth Make a Bike Lane (Rockaway Waterfront Alliance)
- The Power of the Bicycle (Santa Barbara Middle School)
- Urban Mountain Biking (Trips for Kids & NYC Mountain Biking Association)
- Bike Shop Space Organization (Recycle-A-Bicycle)
- Fundraising 101 (West Town Bikes)
- Bike New York’s Education Track: Workshop III
- 4:30pm – 6:00pm – Workshop Session IV – YBS FILM SCREENINGS
- Pedal Born Pictures
- Santa Barbara High School
- Greenmaps
- Phoenix Bikes
- 6:30pm – 9:00pm – Youth Bike Fashion Show & Pizza Party
- Organized by Parsons and Girls Bike Club at West Town Bikes
- 10:00am – 2:00pm – Visioning Session & Brunch
Co-Organized by: Youth Bike (a program of Recycle-A-Bicycle) and The New School’s urbanBIKE initiative, The Youth Bike Summit is an annual three-day national conference inspired by the National Bike Conference, but with an emphasis and youth leadership and dialogs across generations. The Summit brings together educators, advocates, activists, students, teenagers, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and community leaders to engage around youth, bicycles, education, and advocacy. We bring people together from different disciplines and backgrounds to network, learn, and explore how the bicycle is a catalyst for positive social change.
Participants are dedicated to showcasing and sharing the best practices, unique perspectives, and insights they bring from their local communities to a national platform. Through discussion and visioning, we transform dialogue about the benefits of safe and equitable access to transportation and mobility through the bicycle into practical, actionable outcomes, while supporting the health, development, stewardship, and empowerment of youth.
Aiming to unite theory and practice, the urbanBIKE initiative will be curating an academic track within the Summit where researchers, scholars, designers and educators can share and discuss their bicycle-themed curricula, teaching, research and practice. The urbanBIKE Initiative is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and research-driven design lab at Parsons that explores the bicycle as a means of transforming our urban experience.
Youth Bike Mission & Guiding Principles
Youth Bike transforms our local communities and strengthens our national movement by empowering bicycle leaders.
• We believe in the capacity of youth to lead
• We believe in the power of the bicycle as a catalyst for positive social change
• We believe in the importance of a diverse, multi-cultural and equitable movement
• We believe when youth ride bikes, our communities are healthier and more sustainable
• We believe that sharing & learning together will make each of us stronger